Business owners are understandably worried about the effects of marijuana legalization on their workforce. They care about their workers’ well-being and do everything they can to make the workplace pleasant and secure. However, this will not be possible without first instituting workplace marijuana intoxication testing. In this article, you will learn why conducting random workplace drug tests for marijuana is crucial.
Modern ScientificProceduresSimplifyDrug Testing
Thanks to advances in diagnostics, Marijuana Intoxication Testing is now less expensive and more accurate than ever before. Once upon a time, there was a scarcity of affordable options for testing for marijuana intoxication. Many modern labs provide this service at reasonable rates, bringing it within reach of more people than ever. The price of testing for marijuana intoxication has dropped significantly in recent years, and testing can be done everywhere.
Marijuana IntoxicationTestingMay ProtectCustomersAndWorkers
Every business should put the security of its workers and customers first. To guarantee that only sober individuals are permitted to work, it is possible to perform marijuana intoxication testing in the workplace. When deciding whether or not to do marijuana intoxication testing at work, it is also essential to consider the security of the premises, the tools, and the items that will be used.
Marijuana IntoxicationTestsMay CutCrime
Testing for marijuana intoxication might help employers find out if any of their workers are impaired. Likewise, it may aid in detecting dishonest or thieving workers inside the organisation. These numbers may not match up precisely with those reported by other outlets, but they provide a unique window into the scale of the problem that marijuana now poses in the United States.
There MightBe ANegativeImpactOn ProductivityIf An EmployeeDrinks
An inebriated worker might disrupt the workflow of the rest of the staff. The outcomes that might occur are as follows:
- Issues with decision-making
- Disinterest
- Motivation
- Breaks
- Communication
- teamwork
These problems are compounded by the fact that an intoxicated worker presents a danger of being violent or confrontational. These problems may lead to more absenteeism, lower productivity, and higher medical care expenditures for businesses.
Screening NewHiresForMarijuanaIntoxicationMakesTraining Cheaper
A firm that tests workers for marijuana intoxication will save money on training new hires.It might cost as much as $25,000 per new hire in the first year to cover the expense of training them. If you have a hundred workers and it takes a month of training for each, your total training budget will be $2 million. This is a considerable investment, but costs such as lost productivity are also connected with employing a new worker.
Marijuana IntoxicationTestsMay PromoteWorkplaceHarmony
An inebriated worker might disrupt the workflow of the rest of the staff. The expense of hiring and training new workers may also be minimised by the use of drug testing for marijuana impairment. Expenses lost to workplace theft and other forms of criminality may be mitigated with marijuana intoxication tests.
Finally, positive outcomes are associated with testing employees for marijuana intoxication in the workplace. In addition to keeping workers safe and increasing productivity, this helps cut down on expenses caused by theft and other forms of workplace crime. An inebriated worker might disrupt the workflow of the rest of the staff. As a bonus, drug testing for marijuana intoxication may help keep new hires safe and reduce training expenses.