MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolatereductase) test is also known as MTHFR gene mutation or mthfrDNA testing. The mthfr genetic mutation causes the MTHFR enzyme not to work properly. The MTHFR enzyme is responsible for the conversion of important complex compounds into simpler compounds. Some examples include utilization of vitamin b 9 (also known as folate) into the simpler compound.
Symptoms of the presence of MTHFR gene mutation
Most of the patients of the MTHFR gene mutation suffer from fatigue, loss of energy, in some cases dizziness, and inability to detoxify. If any of your family members already have it, the chances are that you do too. The loss of energy happens because the MTHFR enzyme is unable to utilize homocysteine into methionine. Methionine is an integral component of the body which helps in growth and metabolism. Slower metabolism results in fatigue and loss of energy. Also, a lot of patients are unable to cope up with alcohol or alcohol or other spirit related beverages as their body is unable to detoxify.
Early detection and cure
Mthfr gene mutation is curable but it is important for it to be detected. If any of your blood relatives or family suffers from the mutation, you should probably get checked for the same as soon as possible. The most common test for the mutation detection is observing a blood sample withdrawn from a vein in the arm. However, nowadays you can do the mutation detection all by yourself, at your home. There are cheek swab mthfr test kits available which are hassle-free and safe for all members of the family, including babies. The test includes a simple cheek swab. Early detection is important since the gene mutation can lead to serious diseases and disorders, some of which include spina bifida, homocystinuria,and anencephaly.