Types of Drug Tests Administered in Burlington

The Burlington coat factory may request for the pre-employment test or random drug test to ensure that their workplace is safe. You might plan on applying there or you are already an employee in this company and you want to pass company inspection if you are taking illegal substances. Read more about this company in this link here. 

You might be using drugs for recreational purposes and you might get suspected of abusing them. You can lose your job with Burlington in the process if you are found out positive. In order for you to pass, you must first know the types of a test administered by the company. 

Burlington does pre-employment drug testing. This is mandatory as every manager of the store will request a result from you before they can even consider you as a good candidate for their company. In the interview process, they will ask you if it’s okay with you to go to a laboratory and submit a sample of your pee or blood. It is best to agree immediately to prevent suspicion. 

When you are working with them, it is important to keep in mind that they do random drug testing every 6 months and every 12 months. They have a no alcohol and no drug policy so it’s best to be prepared when it’s the time of the year that you will undergo random testing. They employ the 5-panel drug tests to detect the presence of marijuana, ecstasy, barbiturates, amphetamines, cocaine and other substances in the body. To know more about the company, you can visit this site here: https://cleardrugtests.com/burlington-drug-test/

If your manager suspects that you are using illegal substances, you can get fired immediately. Furthermore, if there were accidents while you are on a job with them, a quick analysis of your urine can be requested by the company to make sure that you are clean and you don’t smoke pot. You just have to take the necessary precautions when you are working there and ensure that you are clear and clean when it’s testing time.

The Type of Tests Commonly Administered

Urine– This is the most common type that many companies do because it is cheap and it generates results fast. You have to submit a sample of your pee and someone from the laboratories will analyze them for the presence of THC and other metabolites. This is the easiest to tamper with since you can have a small window of privacy whenever you take your sample. In some cases, there are technicians who will closely watch you when you take a sample so be careful not to get caught if you are planning to use methods such as using synthetic urine.

Blood – This type requires a blood sample as the name suggests. A clean needle is inserted in the veins of the person being tested to determine if he has used drugs in 24 hours. This is commonly administered to people who are involved in vehicular accidents. This is very hard to pass since it exactly determines the type of drugs used as well as the number of metabolites present in the system. But if several days have passed when you took the drugs, it is easy to pass this.

Saliva – These are taken by using a cotton ball to swab the mouth. The swab analysis detects the presence of many barbiturates, marijuana, ice, K2, spice, cocaine, and a lot of other drugs within 24 hours of using them. These tests are commonly taken on the spot especially if an employee is going to be part of the company. They are less invasive compared and less sensitive compared to other types of testing methods. 

Hair Follicle – This involves taking around more than a hundred hair samples and taking it to a laboratory for analysis. The hair can show drug traces for at least 3 months if you are a regular user. However, hair takes about 2 weeks to grow and if you cut it short enough, the technicians won’t be able to determine the drugs used and you can pass the test easily.

Get a Good Idea of How Much Drugs are inside your System

When you want to pass, you have to know the number of metabolites of illegal substances that are present in your body. If you are a casual user, you may fall short of the threshold and pass the test. When you are an occasional user, there are ways that you can do to flush your body from barbiturates. 

If you are currently high on drugs, the best way to go is to choose the urine test. Since it is not as sensitive as the blood test, you will have a higher chance of passing. You can get fake urine and other synthetic samples so that you will come out clean. This is very helpful if you are a chronic user and is smoking wee 7x a week.

Passing the Test

Employment in Burlington can be easy if you prove to them that you are not using illegal substances. There are also chances of promotion that you should be looking for as well as getting a long tenure with the company. If you don’t pass, you should follow up with your employer or consider challenging the laboratory that administered the test. You can try to check the lab and see if it adheres to your state’s standards. See to it that the company will keep you posted whenever there’s a drug test in the coming weeks. You need to assert your rights that it can be unreasonable for them to ask you to pee in full view of someone you don’t know.

There are a lot of articles, blogs, forums, research papers, and websites that you can read in order to help you pass the test. The first thing that you should do is to stop smoking pot immediately whenever you hear that there’s a company drug test that’s going to be administered. Passing the test will give you a lot of benefits and failing it will force you to face the consequences. It is important to do whatever you can to pass it.

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