Among the various types of meditation is the Vedic Meditation. Obviously the first question that rings in mind when it is mentioned is – What is Vedic Meditation? I posed the same question to one of the many meditation experts here in the United States and his answer was more precise than I had imagined. According to him, Vedic Meditation is simply one of the natural, oldest and most uncomplicated types of meditation. ‘Vedic’ is a word derived from ‘Veda’, which is a Sanskrit term referring to ‘knowledge’. A Veda is the prehistoric Indian school of thought or rather body of knowledge from which the Indian values, yoga and Ayurvedic medication originated. Some people have often mistaken Vedic Meditation for a monastic act, which is a complete misconception. The truth is that Vedic Meditation was not created for individuals with spiritual paths that necessitate them to detach from the society. On the contrary, the technique was designed to help the so called householders, i.e. those individuals who are already completely engaged in life. These are people who have highly active minds and therefore are forced to multitask or live extremely busy lives balancing family, relationship and work.
In as much as it is said to have originated in India, Vedic Meditation cannot be taken as solely Indian knowledge. Vedic Meditation is a very universal concept that is implemented by and is beneficial to a wide range of individuals across the globe irrespective of their belief system, religion, age, profession or society. Owing to the fact that the Vedic Meditation technique activates a psychological impact on the human body and brain, it does not need any kind of belief system or faith to provide positive outcomes. Someone can ask how exactly the Vedic Meditation is practiced. It is simple. One sits in a comfortable position with the eyes closed. He then, in a gentle manner, uses a particular sound commonly referred to as ‘mantra’, to naturally settle the body as well as the mind into a state of profound rest. Since this state is said to be going way past thought, it has been given the term ‘transcending’. Majority of the meditators in the United States have commonly described the state as a supreme inner contentment. What makes Vedic Meditation unique is that unlike other forms of meditation, it does not entail chanting or forceful repetition of mantra; neither does it require deep concentration from an individual.